Code of Ethics

For over 100 years the De Agostini Group has always demonstrated fairness, a professional approach and good faith in conducting its business according to policies intended to reinforce its ethical values, in relation to: employees, customers, suppliers, competitors, Institutions, media and the territory.

De Agostini S.p.A. Code of Ethics (only Italian version)
De Agostini Editore S.p.A. Code of Ethics (only Italian version)
De Agostini Publishing S.p.A. Code of Ethics

Model 231

The Organisation and Management Model is a document that forms part of the supervisory infrastructure required under Legislative Decree 231/2001. The Model – providing it is adequately monitored – exempts the legal entity from liability and also provides an indispensable guide for all employees and collaborators. It sets out clear codes of conduct, control schemes and measures to prevent crimes and corrupt practices as far as possible.
With the adoption of the Organization, Management and Control Model, De Agostini intends to comply with the principles underpinning Italian Leg. Decree 231/01 and to fully implement it, as well as to make its Control and Corporate Governance systems more effective, in particular in preventing the commission of offences involving liability pursuant to and for the purposes of the law.

Management of reports - whistleblowing

The De Agostini Group has adopted a reporting management process capable of contributing to the prevention of unlawful acts, irregularities or conduct carried out in violation of the Organisation, Management and Control Model, the Code of Ethics and in general the internal and/or external regulations applicable to the companies.
If you want to make a report with regard to De Agostini S.p.A., De Agostini Editore S.p.A., De Agostini Publishing S.p.A. or KidsMe S.r.l. click here:

Fiscal Strategy

De Agostini S.p.A. assign paramount importance to the tax risk management process and related operating methods. This is to minimize the risk of operating in violation of tax rules while ensuring maximum transparency and mutual cooperation with the Tax Authority administration. To this end, in the context of the Tax Control Framework, the "Tax strategy" document defines the tax management objectives and approach adopted by the Company.

In particular, De Agostini S.p.A.’s tax strategy is inspired by the values of integrity, effectiveness and transparency in order to minimize the risk of material financial and reputational liabilities, in order to safeguard the Company’s equity and create medium-long term value for the shareholders.

Fiscal Strategy (only Italian version)